20th anniversary

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Founded in 2011, the ITL emerged from the Institute of Transportation Systems and Logistics (VSL), which was established in 2001 within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dortmund University. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen has headed the institute since the beginning, whose research and innovation activities focus on the management of logistical processes, in particular the modeling of commercial traffic and freight transport, the mathematical optimization of complex logistical planning tasks, and material flow simulation. In teaching, the institute is especially committed to bachelor and master students of logistics. In research, often together with national and international partners, numerous projects of basic research and applied transport logistics research, funded by EU, DFG, federal government and AiF, are processed.
The rector of the TU Dortmund University, Prof. Bayer, praised in his speech the achievements of the ITL in teaching and research. In the course of the event, short contributions from cooperation partners from industry and science illustrated the economic and social relevance of the research activities at the ITL. One example was the contribution of Mr. Rainer Zietlow (Managing Director of Challenge4 GmbH) about his record drive with an electric car, whose route through Germany was determined by the ITL in advance.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen and his team look back on 20 successful years and look forward to further cooperation with their partners at the universities, in industry and all other companions.
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Der Rektor der TU Dortmund, Prof. Bayer, lobte in seiner Ansprache die bisherigen Verdienste des ITLs in Lehre und Forschung. Im Laufe der Veranstaltung verdeutlichten Kurzbeitrage von Kooperationspartnern aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Forschungstätigkeiten am ITL. Beispielhaft sei der Beitrag von Herrn Rainer Zietlow (Geschäftsführer der Agentur Challenge4 GmbH) über seine Rekordfahrt mit einem Elektroauto genannt, dessen Deutschlandroute vom ITL im Vorfeld ermittelt wurde.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen und sein Team blicken auf erfolgreiche 20 Jahre zurück und freuen sich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Partnern an den Hochschulen, in der Wirtschaft und allen anderen Wegbegleitern.