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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Efficiency in logistic facilities (ELA) - Subproject: A user-guided planning tool for the control of resources on large factory sites and development of EcoSiteManager

  • Transport Modelling and Process Planning
  • Mathematical Optimization
A user-guided planning tool for managing resources on large factory sites/development of the ‘ESM - EcoSiteManager’

A user-guided planning tool for controlling resources on large plant sites and development of the "ESM - EcoSiteManager"


The project aimed at developing existing transport management solutions consequently to more service-oriented solutions and additionally to realize efficient management of resources. The integrated approach of consideration of the entire process and its optimization, either physically or economically, is in addition to potential of sustainability one of the remarkable and innovative improvements.


Logistics facilities (handling facilities, distribution centers, production locations) are essential factors in superior transportation networks which influence the performance, quality, costs and CO2 emissions of the entire system and simultaneously the offered product or service on the market. To increase the operator’s ability to compete in the market it is essential to optimize the efficiency of its logistics facilities. 

To reach this aim a Software prototype called “EcoSiteManager” has been developed. Its purpose is on the one hand to provide the user with comprehensive information on logistics facilities. On the other hand, it is meant to support human experts in planning and controlling their facilities by applying integrated scientific and methodic intelligence and also automated decisions.

According to this, evolutionary algorithms have been developed which enable a parallel optimization of interdependent logistics divisions within one facility (e.g. vehicle control, ramp disposition) in real-time. Furthermore, the integration of human intelligence is possible. The technical innovation is hereby made in the design of the user interface and the analysis screens which are directly evaluating interventions caused by human experts.

Targeted results

The result of this research project is a modular and customizable software prototype called EcoSiteManager (ESM) which supports operators of logistics facilities to realize the claimed performance and quality with less input of resources.

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen

Funding and partners