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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

ModuLOG – Logistics solutions for modular production plants

  • Simulation and Logistics Engineering
Logistical challenges and their controllability when introducing modular production units in the chemical industry


Germany exported 105 billion euros worth of chemicals in 2012. In spite of excellent export performances, it is increasingly difficult for the chemical industry in Germany to produce mass products at a competitive price. For this reason, there is a growing shift in production to specialized products, which are characterized by highly dynamic demands. Therefore, collaborative projects like F³ Factory have researched how these products can be produced efficiently in small, modular units. Since the production does no longer take place in large facilities but in 20’ containers, enhanced flexibility is enabled. This new environment changes conditions for manufacturing and logistics: in contrast to conventional, large facilities, production in small units is supposed to be carried out according to market needs. In terms of logistics, new challenges concerning transportation, transshipment, and storage arise which are addressed in this project.


The project starts with an analysis phase in which the structural properties of the sites are determined. These properties vary depending on the goods to be produced as well as the logistical challenge involved and material flow to be expected. Afterward, required processes for the control of in-plant delivery and distribution, as well as all processes connected, e.g. inspection of incoming and outgoing goods, are defined. Then, plans for the use of resources and control concepts are developed according to the identified processes and structural properties of the sites. External transport concepts for the supply to and disposal from the modules are derived. Finally, the defined concepts for structures, processes and resources are implemented in a monetary assessment model.

Targeted results

For the first time logistical challenges and their controllability in relation to modular production units in the chemical industry are studied in this project. Accompanying the ongoing development of modular production processes, ModuLOG develops a master plan for the choice of locations, their equipment and supply, as well as the control of the supply chain and in-plant material flows, which fulfill the requirements in the best way.

ModuLOG is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Economic Ministry for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen

Funding and partners