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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

General overview


Multi Carrier Dispatch Planning with Artificial Intelligence

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the decision-making basis for the shipping process and, building on this, to make better shipping…

Development of a planning tool for the parking facilities of the Dortmund light rail lines

Development of a planning tool for the parking facilities of the Dortmund light rail lines

Bi-level optimization for the planning of logistics service networks

Development of practical algorithms for the planning of logistics service networks using two-level optimisation methods

EnEff:Stadt: UrbanFactory II – Resource-efficient urban districts through urban production

Increasing resource efficiency and the acceptance of urban production sites

SimTwin - Simulation-based planning support for less-than-truckload terminals

Development of a simulative planning tool for general cargo forwarding system

Graduate School of Logistics - Simulation-based Planning and Control of Logistics Processes in the Production of Specialty Chemicals

Development of a simulation-based tool that can be used to analyse logistics processes depending on product and production location and identify…

Planning intermodal transshipment terminals using simulation and mathematical methods

Development of a simulation environment with integrated optimization intelligence and application as a reference environment

Strategic network planning of seaport hinterland transport using gateways for consolidation of the LCL shipments

Development of a new type of network structure for transport, taking into account cost-efficient consolidation of LCL shipments

MINIS — Miniaturisierte Produktions- und Logistiksysteme

MINIS’ cooperation project between the Institute of Transport Logistics (ITL) and the Chairs of Industrial Information Management (IIM) and Corporate…

Development of a process model for the logistical implementation of modular production in the process industry

Development of an SME-orientated process model for the logistical implementation of modular production in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Optimization of parcel delivery systems with the use of delivery robots

Optimization of parcel delivery systems with the use of delivery robots

Center of Excellence Logistics and IT

The Institute of Transport Logistics (ITL) at TU Dortmund University is working on the challenges of planning, simulation and control as part of the…

Urban Factory - Development of resource-efficient factories in the city

Development of a knowledge platform for energy and resource efficiency in urban production

U-TURN creates new paths for food

U-TURN demonstrates the economic and social benefits of cooperation along the supply chain and develops tools to establish partnerships within…

Integrated Planning in Public Transport

Coupling mathematical optimisation and stochastic simulation for robust, integrated circulation and service planning in public transport

CEP-City - Behavior-based multi-agent simulation of the CEP market

Development of a behavior-based multi-agent model for the simulation of CEP traffic in interaction with the overall traffic in urban areas

Exact and heuristic algorithms for uncertain and time-dependent hub location problems based on quadratic optimization

Construction of stochastic and robust models for the single-allocation hub-location problem

Sustainable freight transport in urban areas

Impact assessment using freight transport models based on system dynamics

CO2 balance - Multimodal logistics nodes: Extension of the CO2 balance method kit for more precise determination and allocation of environmental effects in multimodal logistics nodes

Expansion of the CO2 method kit to include a module for more precise determination and allocation of environmental effects in multimodal logistics…

ModuLOG – Logistics solutions for modular production plants

Logistical challenges and their controllability when introducing modular production units in the chemical industry

Quasireko – Planning Resources in Contract Logistics by use of Requirements Analyses and Simulation

Development of a demonstrator tool that supports the contract logistics service provider in the selection and calculation of resources in advance of…

Managing of Cargo Flow in Logistic Service Networks coupled by Gateways

Development of a generalised simulated annealing approach

Integration of logistical nodes in the transport demand modeling of freight transport

Development of a model for forecasts and specific transport planning projects to improve transport infrastructure

COFRET - Carbon Footprint of Freight Transport (EU 7th Framework Program)

Provide a methodology that enables stakeholders and users to calculate emissions along the entire supply chain

CO2 balance method kit - Determination of CO2 emissions in companies in the logistics sector using a specific method kit

Development of a CO2 method kit

KOSMOS: Hub Location Planning in Rail Freight Traffic

Practical modelling of strategic hub location planning for rail freight transport

Efficiency in logistics systems (ELA) - Sub-project: Increasing the efficiency of sorting systems while taking shipment characteristics into account

Development of a simulation environment for sorting systems to map the time-dependent utilization of resources

Efficiency in logistics facilities (ELA) - Sub-project: Intelligent use of space and flow control in contract logistics

Development of the simulation module for simulating logistics processes within a retail facility

Efficiency in logistics facilities (ELA) - Subproject: Optimal resource planning in multi-user distribution centers

Optimal resource management in multi-user distribution centres

Efficiency in logistic facilities (ELA) - Subproject: A user-guided planning tool for the control of resources on large factory sites and development of EcoSiteManager

A user-guided planning tool for managing resources on large factory sites/development of the ‘ESM - EcoSiteManager’

Efficiency in logistics facilities (ELA) - Sub-project: A user-guided planning tool for bundling production forms of rail freight transport

A user-guided planning tool for bundling product types using decentralized transfer points

Optimized selection of logistical operating strategies based on simulation models using statistical methodology

Development of a "meta-week model", with the help of which typical weekly patterns can be generated and used for the simulation of the forwarding…

Carbon Footprint – Reduction of Barriers to diminish Emissions

Derivation of measures and strategies to promote transport using alternative modes of transport

SuperGreen – Supporting EU’s Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan on Green Corridors Issues

(7th EU Framework Programme)

Discrete optimization models and algorithms for a strategic planning problem of transport networks in wagonload traffic

Development of new mathematical models and solution methods from the field of discrete optimisation for strategic location and network planning in…

TransSim - Transport logistics simulation environment

Linking new scientific methods, findings and models with the real processes of a transport logistics system

FIS - Management information system for forwarding companies

Development of a management information system (MIS), which includes a system of key figures for mapping forwarding companies and selected methods for…

DISS - Dynamic and integrative disposition in LTL agencies

Development of an intelligent control centre for the daily support of the dispatcher in local and long-distance transport scheduling as well as yard…

Modeling approach for deriving flows of goods depending on logistics strategies in commercial transport

Development of an approach to economic transport modeling that describes the source and sink behavior in freight transport based on the logistics…

Subproject OVERSYS: Optimization in waste disposal logistics

Supporting the scheduling department with both territory planning and personnel deployment planning

StaMoLo - Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from stationary and mobile processes in logistics companies using the example of Deutsche Post World Net

Development of building blocks for a cost-effective and efficient corporate strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Optimizing the door assignment in LTL-terminals

Development of a tool for determining optimum gate allocation plans in general cargo forwarding systems