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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Development of a planning tool for the parking facilities of the Dortmund light rail lines

  • Projects
  • Current Projects
  • Mathematical Optimization
Development of a planning tool for the parking facilities of the Dortmund light rail lines


DSW21 is planning the operation of Dortmund's light rail lines. The planning is currently carried out to a large extent by specially trained employees and relies heavily on their expertise. To minimize planning errors and increase planning efficiency, parts of the planning process are to be of the planning process are to be automated.


The first step is to automate the selection of the siding at the Clarenberg track facility and to automatically generate the representation of the timetable in MS Excel as close as possible to the format currently created manually. The tool is intended to alert planners to any planning errors and, if necessary, offer suggestions for changes to correct the errors. Subsequently, the tool will be extended to the other track systems. In addition, based on the rotations, it is to be checked whether each train will undergo maintenance in the depot within the scheduled interval.

Targeted results

The developed tool is to be connected to the existing infrastructure and supplied with the required input data via the standardized public transport data model 5.0.

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen , Dominik Mäckel

Funding and partners