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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Projects of the Trans­port Modelling and Process Planning division


EnEff:Stadt: UrbanFactory II – Resource-efficient urban districts through urban production

Increasing resource efficiency and the acceptance of urban production sites

Urban Factory - Development of resource-efficient factories in the city

Development of a knowledge platform for energy and resource efficiency in urban production

CEP-City - Behavior-based multi-agent simulation of the CEP market

Development of a behavior-based multi-agent model for the simulation of CEP traffic in interaction with the overall traffic in urban areas

Sustainable freight transport in urban areas

Impact assessment using freight transport models based on system dynamics

CO2 balance - Multimodal logistics nodes: Extension of the CO2 balance method kit for more precise determination and allocation of environmental effects in multimodal logistics nodes

Expansion of the CO2 method kit to include a module for more precise determination and allocation of environmental effects in multimodal logistics…

Quasireko – Planning Resources in Contract Logistics by use of Requirements Analyses and Simulation

Development of a demonstrator tool that supports the contract logistics service provider in the selection and calculation of resources in advance of…

Integration of logistical nodes in the transport demand modeling of freight transport

Development of a model for forecasts and specific transport planning projects to improve transport infrastructure

CO2 balance method kit - Determination of CO2 emissions in companies in the logistics sector using a specific method kit

Development of a CO2 method kit

Efficiency in logistics facilities (ELA) - Subproject: Optimal resource planning in multi-user distribution centers

Optimal resource management in multi-user distribution centres

Efficiency in logistic facilities (ELA) - Subproject: A user-guided planning tool for the control of resources on large factory sites and development of EcoSiteManager

A user-guided planning tool for managing resources on large factory sites/development of the ‘ESM - EcoSiteManager’

Carbon Footprint – Reduction of Barriers to diminish Emissions

Derivation of measures and strategies to promote transport using alternative modes of transport

SuperGreen – Supporting EU’s Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan on Green Corridors Issues

(7th EU Framework Programme)

FIS - Management information system for forwarding companies

Development of a management information system (MIS), which includes a system of key figures for mapping forwarding companies and selected methods for…

Modeling approach for deriving flows of goods depending on logistics strategies in commercial transport

Development of an approach to economic transport modeling that describes the source and sink behavior in freight transport based on the logistics…