Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Uwe Clausen (Chair)
TU Dortmund University, Institute of Transport Logistics
Prof. Dr. Ralf Elbert (Co‐Chair)
TU Darmstadt, Chair of Management and Logistics
Prof. Dr. Michael Bourlakis, Cranfield University
Prof. Ph.D. Michael Browne, University of Gothenburg
Prof. Dr. Laetitia Dablanc, University Gustave Eiffel
Prof. Dr. René De Koster, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Prof. Dr. Gerard DeJong, University of Leeds
Prof. Dr. Gerald Ebel, FH Bielefeld
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Verena Ehrler, IÉSEG School of Management
Prof. Dr. Alexander Eisenkopf, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Prof. Dr. Pietro Evangelista, National Research Council Naples
Prof. Dr. Nathalie Fabbe‐Costes, Aix‐Marseille Université
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Heike Flämig, Hamburg University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich, Kühne Logistics University Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Roel Gevaers, University of Antwerp
Prof. Dr. Christoph Glock, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Michael Henke, TU Dortmund University
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Carlos Jahn, Fraunhofer‐Center for Maritime Logistics & Services
Prof. Dr. Eva Kassens‐Noor, TU Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Danuta Kisperska‐Moron, University of Economics Katowice
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Ruhr‐University Bochum
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kummer, Wirtschafsuniversität Wien
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Bert Leerkamp, University of Wuppertal
Prof. Dr. Barbara Lenz, German Aerospace Center
Prof. Dr. Tone Lerher, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gernot Liedtke, German Aerospace Center
Prof. Dr. Alan McKinnon, Kühne Logistics University
Prof. Dr. Herbert Meyr, University of Hohenheim
Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner, Technische Universität München
Prof. Dr. Markus Muschkiet, Hochschule Niederrhein
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans‐Christian Pfohl, TU Darmstadt
Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Markus Rabe, TU Dortmund University
Prof. Dr. Erik Sandberg, Linköping University
Prof. Dr. Kai‐Oliver Schocke, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring, University of Kassel
Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer, University of Kassel
Prof. Dr. Frank Straube, Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Lóránt Tavasszy, Delft University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Michael ten Hompel, TU Dortmund University
Inge Vierth, VTI Stockholm
Prof. Dr. Jaroslaw Witkowski, Wroclaw University of Economics